Meet Michael

Picture of Ingrid Folland

Ingrid Folland


What's your job title?

Non-executive director (NED)

What do you actually do?

As a NED, I help with the strategic direction of Japeto.

You’ll also find me fine-tuning operations, building relationships, and sharing new developments in AI.

What's your journey getting here been like?

I graduated from university in the late 1990s with a history degree. This was around the time of the internet and ‘dot com’ boom. Many of the graduate level jobs at that time were in technology and I got a job working at a major USA software house within their European division. I have been in the software implementation, consulting, support & development space ever since. I’ve been fortunate to have many different tech jobs both in the UK and around the world. Looking back, I think that getting into technology via this route has been a real blessing for me. Having to learn on the job, and teach myself, has allowed me to understand things from the customers perspective. Technology can seem overwhelming, and it really isn’t if you have the right people working on your behalf. Fast forward to now, and I see many similarities between those early ‘internet revolution’ days and the current developments in AI. This is what first brought me into the AI chat bot space, and I joined Japeto in 2024 to continue this exiting journey together!

What topic in chatbot technology do you care a lot about and why?

I start with the customer perspective here – what can AI chat bots do for me as a user? This is what I love about Japeto, the customer requirement and user experience is at the forefront of everything they do.

What is your guilty pleasure?

I can easily spend an entire day watching sports (football, cricket), and remain an avid fan of video games which I play together with my kids.

What is your favourite quote?

‘History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes’ – Mark Twain.

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