Green Space Romeo





Michigan, USA

Green Space on Prospect Street

Green Space on Prospect Street (GSoPS) is a grassroots group that formed in Michigan, USA after an old school building was demolished. The empty lot was going up for sale for developers, volunteers came together to petition the government to buy the lot and turn it into a public park in the centre of town.

The property owners gave them five months to raise $500,000. 

Local activism on a timeline

GSoPS needed to quickly engage with volunteers, collect pledge forms, and update everyone on their progress.

We worked towards a deadline so GSoPS could print flyers and posters referring to the website before a Town Hall meeting. From requirements, brand exercises, wireframing, and building – we delivered a WordPress and Elementor website within a two week timeline.

Capturing "Our Stories"

GSoPS wanted to capture the stories from real people in the community to show how important the property and its history was. The resulting interviews were shared on SoundCloud.

To bring it to the website, we created a dynamic post content that was easy to update. The GSoPS team were able to add SoundCloud links to embed each story in one easy to access space on their website.


The volunteer group needed to produce posters to accompany the website. We created a style guide so they could create consistent and cohesive materials – on and off line.

We incorporated nature themes and the local areas branding to create a representative theme. The website needed to be easily used by everyone, so we focused on readable fonts and accessible and high-contrast colour schemes.

Capture pledges online

We added pledge forms and donor information to educate potentatial contributors.

Full support

To support the Green Space on Prospect Street goal, we purchased domains, managed their hosting, and provide ongoing support.

After going live, their volunteers were trained on how to update and manage the site themselves through training sessions. This was key, as a community organisation they wanted to be volunteer-led.

As their movement grew, they needed more pages – we jumped in to add an events section, donor information, and more pages.

“The website designed for GSOPS is easy to navigate and visually appealing. So impressed with their work.”

Elizabeth, GSOPS Volunteer


As of January 2025, GSoPS has raised over $425,000 towards their goal. They’ve collected over 200 signatures through the pledge form online and have already run two sold out events to raise awareness for their mission.

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